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MetalMatters is funded by the metal packaging and recycling industry and leading brand owners. It is supported by the Waste & Resources Action Programme and managed by Alupro.
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Cherwell residents encouraged to recycle their metal packaging
/in MetalMatters NewsAlupro, the Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation, has partnered with Cherwell District Council to launch a new metal packaging recycling campaign. The ‘MetalMatters’ programme is designed to help increase kerbside recycling rates and raise awareness of the benefits of recycling household packaging made from metal. The digital, postal and in-person campaign will allow residents to learn […]
Powys County Council rolls out MetalMatters programme
/in MetalMatters NewsA digital campaign promoting best practice metal packaging recycling is set to be rolled out across Powys. Launching on Monday 17 June, the six-week programme will target more than 67,000 households across the region, with the aim of improving kerbside recycling rates. Delivered by the Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation (Alupro), ‘MetalMatters’ will use targeted social […]
MetalMatters recycling campaign rolls out across West Devon
/in MetalMatters NewsMetalMatters, the industry-supported campaign that encourages households to recycle their cans, foil, empty aerosols, trays, tubes and metal screw tops, has been rolled out by West Devon Borough Council. As part of continued efforts to improve kerbside recycling rates, the initiative will see residents across the region receive an informative leaflet posted directly through their […]
Cumbria residents encouraged to recycle their metal packaging
/in MetalMatters NewsA new campaign promoting metal packaging recycling has been introduced by Cumberland Council and Westmorland and Furness Council. In a bid to improve kerbside recycling rates, households across the region are being encouraged to recycle their metal packaging including food and drinks cans, aluminium wrapping foil and foil trays, as well as empty aerosols and […]
Suffolk Waste Partnership launch campaign to improve metal packaging recycling rate
/in MetalMatters NewsA new programme promoting metal packaging recycling has been rolled out by the Suffolk Waste Partnership. Homeowners across the region are being encouraged to recycle their food and drinks cans, aluminium wrapping foil and foil trays, empty aerosols and metal screw tops, in a bid to improve kerbside recycling rates. ‘MetalMatters’, funded by the UK […]
Consumer message testing with Teignbridge District Council
/in MetalMatters NewsSince 2012, the MetalMatters campaign has been deployed in over 100 local authority areas to 6.6 million households. During the Spring and Summer of 2019, we undertook consumer research in an active campaign area in order to test the messaging and its’ impact on residents recycling behaviours. We selected Teignbridge District Council in Devon which […]
New recycling campaign urges people to make their metals matter
/in MetalMatters NewsPeople from across Staffordshire are invited to join a new campaign to recycle more metal products found in their homes. The ‘Make Your Metals Matter’ campaign wants people to recycle all the metal packaging found around their house, including food and drink cans, foil trays, empty aerosols and household aluminium wrapping foil. It is estimated […]
Recycle Week 2019 is here!
/in MetalMatters NewsAre you ready for Recycle Week? Join in the fun and sign up to make a real difference by recycling items from all around the home. That is what MetalMatters aims to do; working in partnership with local authorities and waste management companies, the campaign engages directly with householders to encourage them to recycle metal […]
MetalMatters springs into action on Global Recycling Day
/in MetalMatters NewsAs we celebrate Global Recycling Day, three UK Councils are launching their MetalMatters campaigns. As more and more people across the UK shift their focus towards recycling today, Merthyr Tydfil, Powys and Teignbridge District Council in Devon will urge a total of 157,000 households to ‘Make their metals matter’. Starting today, and for the next […]
Newcastle-under-Lyme launch MetalMatters
/in MetalMatters NewsNewcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council has launched a MetalMatters campaign to remind householders to recycle food and drink cans, foil, empty aerosols, foil trays and metal screw tops in their red recycling box. Leaflets have been sent to 56,000 homes, recycling vehicles are now fitted with promotional signs and residents can find out more at several planned roadshows. Supporting […]